So I woke up this morning at 7am like I have been for the past week. Mind you this is before Faith woke up this morning. So there was no crying coming from the baby monitor, yet I still woke up. By the time I made it up the stairs to make Faith bottle I could hear her start to wine. So I went to her room unswaddled her, changed her diaper, and put some pants on her, then gave her the bottle. As I was walking out of the room she was already closing her eyes while drinking her bottle. Ahhh... I thought now I can go back to sleep for a little. NOPE!! My body is up. No sleep for mommy. Also no naps for mommy in awhile. So I have a list of things I've been putting off for a while that I started on. Then I started thinking... If I have been putting this list of important things off, and putting off house work, what else have I been putting off?? Well I haven't been doing my best job as a person, mom, or Fiance. Which makes me feel crappy. Not what I want to feel like early in the morning. So from now on I'm not putting off things I know I need to do and want to do. I mean say I want to go on a vacation, yeah that has to be put off due to money, time, and child care issues. I want to do things like get our new condo in order, workout so I'm in shape for this Color Run, and Have fun with my life.
I can not wait to start. I know that all of this takes time. 24 hours is never long enough to finish this all. From now on each day will be filled with happiness and love. I need to remember that sure things will not go as planed. That people will walk into my life as well as walk out. That kids are kids and sometimes ( most the time) things you plan with them will not go the way you thought. I also need to remember that Love can never be strong enough.