My family

My family

Friday, January 20, 2012

Forever is to short

Finally got Adrianna back last night. So happy to see her but only got to play for like an hour with her because it was already pass her bed time and I could tell she was tired. Today wasn't to bad with her. She seemed a bit sick though, since she puked on herself and I. So I kept a close eye on what she ate and drank and checked to make sure she didn't have a fever. Her and I played for a long time today and I put her to bed early, since we have to get up around 8 tomorrow to get our brakes fixed and a bracket to hold up the exhaust pipe so that when we go back again for our safety test it will pass this time. This blazer has given me such a headache since we got it but we're almost there. Thank God. When I said a headache I wasn't joking either I've been beyond stressed about it. When I'm stressed I guess its best not to be around me because I tend to take it out on others. Like Branden I feel so bad that I took things out on him. We had 3 days together without Adrianna and I wanted to spend time with each other instead I caused both of us to be stressed. He's so great though. I love him we fight sometimes but not all the time and when we do fight we tend to always talk it out before we go to bed. I don't know how I would get through things if I didn't have him. He is always supportive of anything I want to do and always so willing to help me with things. He even gets up with Adrianna in the mornings when I'm not awake yet so that I can rest more. He has done so much for Adrianna and I, and I thank him for everything. He works all the time (even overtime most weeks) at his full time job as a cook. Its not that great of a place but it pays bills for now. As soon as we get this car legal I told him if he wanted to get a new job to go for it because trust me I would love for him to be home at night with us. I hate him working nights but we don't have any other options right now. I'm pregnant so my chances of getting hired anywhere are close to none plus then we would have to find a babysitter for Adrianna and that would add to our bills each month. So right now its best that I stay home with her. I guess I'm just really thankful that I have someone great. Last night I couldn't sleep because Branden kept moving in his sleep and I had a really bad headache. Well as I was laying there trying to sleep I was watching him sleep. (not in a creepy way) Sometimes life gets so crazy and busy I forget to breathe. Watching him made me think that we have only been together for 5 beautiful months (which to some isn't that long) but we have done a lot in the time and have been through a lot. Anytime I'm upset or mad he sits down and talks to me. He's not only the man I love but he's my best friend. I can tell him anything and know that we will get through the up and down together. We always say that we love each other forever and always. That means there is no walking away, but instead means we sit down and talk about how we will get through whatever it is the best way we can. Forever seems so long to some but most people don't even live to be 100 so forever isn't long at all. Forever is to short but if I had to spend it with someone I would pick Branden every time!

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